Noul from Space

Noul from Space

Development of Noul

  • 6/3/15 - Noul becomes active
  • 6/6/15 - Noul hits Yap located East of the Philippines. Rainfall reaches 12 inches. 
  • 6/10/15 - Noul hits Northern Philippines (town of Santa Ana), winds estimated to be up to 160 mph.
  • 6/10/15 - Noul is weakened due to land interaction
  • 6/12/15 - Noul gives heavy winds and rainfall to Tokyo, Japan.
  • 6/12/15 - Noul is inactive
Noul was estimated to have a larger impact than it did. It began with high winds and heavy rain, estimated to be a 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, but did less damage than expected. It moved along like any other storm, starting out strong and weakening over time.
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